Synopsis of Value Added Services
Risk Control Workshops
- Held every 6 months (March and September).
- Appropriate for all personnel. Owners and upper management are encouraged to attend.
- Hosted in accessible travel cities throughout the nation.
- 2-day agenda includes first-time attendee orientation/reception, educational breakout sessions, and keynote speaker.
- Presentations by specialists, service providers, fellow members and product/service vendors.
- Concurrent education tracks for loss prevention and claims management.
- Agenda and registration announcement sent via e-mail 60-90 days prior to workshop.
Risk Control Webinars
- Held third Tuesday of each month at 10AM and 3PM Central Time.
- May register for all 12 months instantaneously.
- An array of topics for safety, loss prevention, claims management and more.
- Session recording web links are available for current and prior years.
- Topics and registration announcement for each year is sent via e-mail in December prior.
Group Purchasing Programs
- Products and services that can enhance captive members’ loss control program.
- For most vendors, captive member discount is available.
- Most participants have been referred by captive members.
- To qualify:
- GPP vendors must offer a unique risk control related product or service.
- GPP vendors must currently be utilized by CRI-affiliated captive members.
National Safety Council (NSC)
- Each captive member is provided an annual NSC membership.
- Each member may login at the NSC website,
- A primary NSC contact is determined for each captive member.
- An array of discounted services available including: training, webinars, publications, and more.
- Reduced cost to attend the annual NSC Congress & Expo.
- Telephonic Nurse Triage service provided by Gallagher Bassett TPA.
- Injured claimant speaks to nurse first; medical attention evaluated and directed.
- Each call is $90. If claim not set up, fee billed direct to member; otherwise billed to claim file.
- If claimant can self-treat, keeps injury off WC history, and possibly OSHA log.
- Reports go directly into RisxFacs for members to view.
- Partner of Gallagher Bassett TPA to help get injured employees back to work.
- Can place injured workers in volunteer positions at most restricted levels.
- Flat fee charged to claim file, employer continues salary rather than WC benefits.
- Available immediately on as requested basis.
Gallagher Bassett (GB) Loss Control Training Platform
- Over 100 training modules available to train employees anywhere there is a computer.
- Includes safety and human resources training modules.
- Bi-monthly bulletins on Safety and Health and Employment Practices Liability topics.
- Any member can use system by registering with GB; no limit on users within same company.
- More modules added regularly and on request: member specific customization available.
- Annual fee for member registration is $520 per company, which can be paid using allocation.
National Safety Council Barometer
- Employee perception survey.
- Measurement tool to evaluate company’s safety culture and performance.
- Capture overall health of your safety management system.
- Automatically generates a prioritized safety improvement plan.
- Results provided include reports, graphs and action planning steps.
- Motivate your organization to find gaps, action plans and make changes.
- Increases employee engagement and improves morale.
- Discounted cost for basic service is approximately $2,000 to conduct and evaluate the surveys.
Gallagher Bassett (GB) Risk Con System
- Electronic tracking of loss control consultant hours.
- Members can review loss control reports online.
- Members can monitor remaining loss control hours and allocations online.
- Archive for Risk Control Assessments (RCAs) and loss control reports.
Take control of your insurance . . . and get paid for it.
394 Williamstowne
Suite 101
Delafield, WI 53018-2322
Ph: 262-754-9100
Fax: 262-754-9114