2021 Webinar Schedule

January 19 - Getting a Seat at the C-Suite - What Every Safety Professional Should Know

You need management to support and fund your initiatives, but sometimes this feels like running head first into a brick wall. The secret to success lies in getting and keeping a seat at the highest decision-making table: the C-Suite. That seat is ready and waiting for a safety leader who understands how to take it. In this session, you’ll learn how to achieve that connection with the senior leaders at your organization. We’ll discuss how to identify your organization’s formal and informal power structures, the traits you need to adopt to effect change, and how to establish and maintain effective communication with your organization’s leaders.

February 16 - A Drug Epidemic During a Pandemic - Who Cares????

This year, drug abuse will likely kill as many Americans as the pandemic, maybe more. We will solve the pandemic, reasonably quickly. However, Americans will continue to die from drug abuse for years to come. How & Why? We know how COVID-19 started. How did the substance abuse epidemic start? What keeps it going and why are medical professionals caught in the middle?

We will discuss the etiology of this drug epidemic, the paradigm shift in the US and how the epidemic differs from previous generations. Questions answered include: Who are the drug abusers? What are the predictors of whether or not a child will use? What prevention actually works? Scientifically based, comprehensive information regarding the most current drug trends in the US will be provided, along with compelling anecdotes from the front lines of today’s families, schools, communities, and professional organizations.

March 16 - Important of a RTW Program & How to Implement One

There are documented benefits for the injured employee and the company for early return to work following on the job injuries. Studies by the American Orthopedic Surgeon Society reveal that when an injured employee returns to work early, the rehabilitation process is accelerated, and in addition, management is able to better control workers’ compensation costs. In this session, we will discuss ideas and tips to help your organization design and implement an effective early return to work program.

April 20 - Using Near Miss Data for Successful Loss Control

This webinar explores the issues that organizations must address to implement a successful near-miss program to aid in their loss control efforts. Bypass the usual problems by learning how successful organizations have addressed them. Learn how to strategically clarify expectations, enable accurate reporting, effectively utilize near-miss data for proactive safety improvement, follow up on improvements to ensure lasting results, and utilize the whole process to strengthen your safety culture.

May 18 - The Safety Side Effect: How Supervisors Coincidentally Improve Safety

Why is it that those supervisors whose safety records are the best also usually perform better across the board? They have better productivity, lower employee turnover, and higher team morale. It turns out that good supervisors create what we call the “safety side effect.” Operational safety is a natural by-product of a certain supervisory style that enhances supervisor-subordinate relationships and general employee competency. Employees who work for these kinds of leaders are more likely to talk with each other about safety, more likely to stop others when they see something unsafe, and also more open to being stopped when acting unsafely.

This talk centers around the findings of a large-scale, international study of supervisory practices called “The Best Boss” study which indicates a set of practices that produce the “safety side effect.” While the study identified 20 specific supervisory characteristics that lead to the “safety side effect,” the top four critical characteristics are discussed in this presentation.

June 15 - What Closing an Underwriting Year Means for You

What Closing a Year Means for You: You’ll find an easy to understand review of the A&B Fund structure and the different ways a policy year can close. Learn how a closed year impacts you and your claims.

July 20 - De-escalation Skills for Workplace Conflict

Handling & resolving conflicts that arise in the workplace is one of the toughest challenges that supervisors & managers face. Many are not equipped to handle the urgency or the intensity of the situation. At a time when emotions run high and positive outcomes are critical, it is imperative that safety leaders develop new skills and strategies for de-escalating challenging situations.

In this webinar, attendees will:

  • Learn the top 5 non-verbal strategies to de-escalate
  • Discover 3 tips to navigate challenging conversations
  • Learn the Secret Power Phrases that almost always work
  • Identify the signs that an attack is imminent
  • Learn how to handle unforeseen emotional outbursts
August 17 - Temporary Staffing Safety - An Update

The staffing industry moves quickly and safety is a critical part of it. In this program, we will discuss how the staffing industry has evolved with a particular emphasis on the safety of staffing and host employees. Particular emphasis will be placed on the regulatory responsibilities for both the host and the staffing agency as well as the COVID-19 impact on the staffing dynamic.

September 21 - Developing An Effective Safety Culture

Developing a strong safety culture within a trucking company is not the easiest task, but it can be accomplished! Whether you feel your company is in the infancy stage or already has a well-developed culture of safety, this webinar is for you!

October 19 - Auto Accidents Involving Minor or Catastrophic Injuries

It’s common knowledge that the hours immediately following an auto accident are critical to the ultimate defense of the case. What’s not always common knowledge, however, is the best way to gather such evidence and preserve it. This presentation will concentrate on the best practices to gather and preserve evidence both at the scene and in the hours after an auto accident.

November 16 - Industrial Fatigue: The Impact of Biology on Safety and How To Manage It

Fatigue is often a taboo subject in the workplace. It’s either ignored, misunderstood, or under-estimated in its impact on safety. This presentation is designed to increase awareness of fatigue and provide personal fatigue management strategies for workers in all industries. Through the training, participants will obtain a basic knowledge of the science of fatigue, its signs and effects. The causes and cures of fatigue will be covered from three different perspectives: Operational, Environmental & Physiological, and Behavioral. Fatigue management should be a component of every safety system, actively and intentionally mitigated like other hazards– because coffee can’t offset poor sleep hygiene.

December 21 - Beyond Root Cause - A New View of Accident Investigation

Every safety professional knows that thorough and effective investigation of accidents is crucial. But often these investigations are flawed and don’t lead to future improvement of performance. This presentation will review the common pitfalls in investigations and provide new ways to approach investigations that lead to safety, learning, and resilience.

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394 Williamstowne
Suite 101
Delafield, WI 53018-2322

Ph: 262-754-9100
Fax: 262-754-9114

Email: info@altriskresources.com

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