2020 Webinar Schedule

January 21 - FMCSA clearinghouse and Key Drug/Alcohol Requirements
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s drug and alcohol Clearinghouse regulation became effective January 6, 2019, but many motor carriers are either unaware of these new requirements or simply continue to have questions that remain unanswered. Non-compliance with this new regulation is, however, not an option.

During this webinar, Key FMCSA substance abuse testing requirements will be reviewed in order for a motor carrier to ensure effective use of the Clearinghouse repository, as it is intended. Clearinghouse requirements will then be outlines to ensure full compliance and to answer questions participants may have regarding this important regulatory initiative.

February 18 - The Top Ten Elements of a Stellar Safety & Health Management System
The presentation will cover the top 10 elements needed to have a successful and viable safety and health management system. This is a basic course which highlights the concept of a safety and health management system that will direct leadership and empower employees to create a culture where safety concerns are openly discussed and where solutions are found and implemented.
March 17 - Safety Strategies 2020 - Challenging Tradition in Favor of Better Result
Critical safety decisions can fall on many team members – including those in safety, operations, human resources, and other company departments. For some, it’s easy to fall into doing things the same way they’ve always been done. However, challenging the status quo when the data tells us we need to can sometimes be the difference between life and death. In this webinar, we will do deeper into the theory of behavioral insights and how the information gleaned can be used to impact better outcomes for your company and your captive.
April 21 - Claim Resolution Strategies: What Are The Options & How To Choose The Best One
This exciting and informative webinar will cover the different ways claims can conclude and how to determine which option is the best for the situation. Both workers’ compensation and general liability/auto settlement tools including mediations, arbitrations and trials will be discussed.
May 19 - Winning The War for Talent

Fatigue decreases productivity in the workplace and increases risk of incident and injuries. One meta-analysis found that 13% of workplace injuries could be attributed to employees with sleep problems. Recent NSC surveys show that nearly every American worker reports a risk factor for fatigue, and almost half admit to being sleep deprived. Despite 90% of employers feeling the impact of fatigue in their day to day operations. they often underestimate the financial burden. Sleep deficiency and sleep disorders cost a typical medium-sized employer a million dollars a year in lost productivity, missed days of work, and health care costs. Identifying the causes of fatigue in the workplace and implementing best practices to managing fatigue is an effective way to reduce risk and decrease the financial burden.In the next 10 years the greatest threat to a company’s growth will be the inability to recruit, engage, retain and develop talented employees at all levels of the organization. Demographic shifts make it a MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY that there are not enough employable people to fill all of the open jobs in the U.S.

This webinar will:

  1. Explain the origins, causes, timeframe and negative effects on organizations that do not take positive action
  2. Detail recruiting best practices and benchmarks from the best organizations around the country
  3. Teach marketing methods that have been successfully used by billion dollar firms to sell products and services for decades
  4. Teach concepts used to create a SELF-STAFFING organization through super-charging employee referrals

There will be winners and losers in this war for talent. This webinar will give your organization the tools to win.

June 16 - Learning to SEE: A New Perspective on Risk Utilizing Visual Literacy

We don’t see as well as we think we do. How many times have we heard, “I’ve walked by that a thousand times and I didn’t see it until the incident happened?” Center of Visual Expertise, COVE, introduces concepts that help enable workers to process visual information more clearly. We discuss a proven methodology that will help address the seeing gap and build practices and disciplines that help mitigate issues and improve workplace safety. And it works at home too!

July 21 - Cannabis: What The Hemp Is Going On?

The presentation will address: the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill, legalized commercial hemp, current status of Farm Bill regulations, and what it all means for state cannabis initiatives. Other topics will include the status of state cannabis laws and trends in employment protections and decriminalization of cannabis for recreational use under state law. Practical advice will be provided on how to: proactively prepare for cannabis-related issues that will arise in both DOT and non-DOT programs; effectively communicate with, and educate, their employees on these issues; and minimize legal risk.

August 18 - Accident Investigation and Evidence Preservation

This engaging session will cover the importance of a thorough investigation following an accident and how to keep the evidence collected useful. Understanding the why’s and how’s of accident investigation will help ensure that the evidence collected can be used to assist in your company’s defense.

September 15 - Mental Health in the Workplace

Often a subject that is considered taboo, mental health in the workplace is a topic that organizations struggle to discuss, let alone attend to or manage. Beyond Employee Assistance Program services, how can an organization’s safety program best serve both the needs of the company and employees who may struggle with their own mental health?

October 20 - Appropriate Claim Reserving: Why It Is Important To Everyone!

A reserve on a claim file is an estimate of the value of a claim or group of claims not yet paid. This principle is especially critical in the captive insurance world and is necessary for a captive to have an accurate forecast of its future liabilities. This webinar will highlight the fundamentals of appropriate reserving from the Adjuster’s desk and how that reserve impacts financial statements and is used for future renewals/loss fund allocations. Conversely. We will also outline how a claim that does not carry an accurate reserve can have an adverse impact on the member and/or captive.

November 17 - Office Ergonomics

In this session, we review the basics of office ergonomics that will assist you and your staff in reducing and preventing office related discomfort while working with computers. Content will include basic body physiology, common office related causes of discomfort and how improved postures and proper workstation set-up contributes to discomfort relief. We will wrap up with instructions on how to adjust attendees’ own office workspaces and review simple stretches that can contribute to overall health and safety while working in an office environment.

December 15 - Safety Decision Making and Data Management - How & Why It Matters

Data is information that tells the story of what’s happening, what happened, and probably most important – helps us predict what’s most likely to happen. In this webinar we will review the importance of tracking data, keeping it clean and accurate and making sure it’s objective. Several examples of data management will be reviewed and we will explore how things can go really well, or turn disastrous by managing data.

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394 Williamstowne
Suite 101
Delafield, WI 53018-2322

Ph: 262-754-9100
Fax: 262-754-9114

Email: info@altriskresources.com

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